Social Networking Video

Apologies for the lack of updates lately, have been busy doing other things. Here’s the latest video from Common Craft, to make up for it. It’s a plain speaking guide to social networking. Cool! [youtube 6a_KF7TYKVc]


I’ve been adding plenty of video’s to my VodPod, but of course they don’t appear in the RSS feed, so those that don’t regularly visit the site won’t know they are there. So, here’s a list of some of the video’s I’ve recently added: Stephen Fry on Web 2.0 Getting a Community Online Rise of the … Keep reading

Zoho Notebook (beta)

Zoho are one of my favourite web 2.0 companies. They provide pretty much best of breed web applications: cool stuff like a word processor, a spreadsheet, presentations, online meetings, wikis, and oodles of other stuff Anyway, their latest little number is Notebook, a web based notetaking application. This isn’t just Windows Notepad online though: with … Keep reading

Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us

[youtube 6gmP4nk0EOE] This is a great video on YouTube by Michael Wesch of Kansas State University. I’ve seen it linked to in lots of places, but my main reason for repeating it here was to test the use of the WordPress Video Plugin, which seems excellent.