CoPping Off

I’ve recently started my own Community of Practice over on the I&DeA communities platform, entitled ‘Social Media and Online Collaboration’. It will be a good way of getting the message across to people who work in local government that the internet isn’t just a distraction, it’s a tool that can have tremendous benefits in terms … Keep reading

links for 2006-12-04

Smashing The Clock (tags: business productivity) Shockwave-Sound.Com – Royalty-Free Music tracks, loops and sounds (tags: audio free podcast podcasting)

links for 2006-12-01

instructables : Make the shutdown icon on your desktop and others. (tags: howto software tips windows)

links for 2006-11-30

crayonCast #3 (tags: blogging crayon podcast) The Real Office Live: Zoho Bridges Online And Offline Office Apps (tags: zoho office web2.0 techcrunch) Andrew Savory: The little things (tags: mac office keynote) Download of the Day: Any Video Converter (Windows) (tags: free freeware video media windows) Productive Talk Compilation: 8-episode podcast with GTD’s David Allen (tags: … Keep reading

Blog break

Will be taking an enforced break from blogging for a while. I’m moving to a new house, which as yet doesn’t have a telephone line set up, let alone a broadband connection. Hopefully I’ll have things up and running again by the middle of December.