links for 2006-11-08

LGSearch – Searching Local Government (tags: search local government) Column: What are online RSS feeds? – Yahoo! News (tags: feeds howto rss article) Searching for Local Government I&DeA forum thread for LGSearch (tags: lgsearch idea)


One of the frustrations of my job is when I am searching the web for information on what other councils are up to in my field. The trouble is that, by and large, I only really want to find results from the websites of local authorities in the UK. So, using Google Coop, I’ve created … Keep reading

links for 2006-11-07

Twisted Lemon (tags: hosting) a shel of my former self (tags: podcasting blogging holtz) » Intel to front Web 2.0 business suite | Between the Lines | (tags: intel web2.0), an Anonymous Social Network (tags: social networking anonymous Tim Berners-Lee: setting the record straight from Guardian Unlimited: Technology (tags: tbl guardian)

FeedDemon Release Candidate 1

Nick Bradbury has announced the new release candidate of FeedDemon 2.1. It certainly feels more robust than the previous beta version. One of the more noticable changes is that the little bank of button that let you do stuff with a post, like email it to a pal, or bookmark the post in, now … Keep reading

links for 2006-11-06

The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #187: November 06, 2006 at (tags: fir podcast hobson holtz) Blogging on the Edge: Blogging NOT From My Computer « Lorelle on WordPress (tags: blogging)