More on Google/JotSpot

Ben, in the comments, wrote: But they already have Google Notebook ( which I always thought of as a WYSIWYG wiki. JotSpot certainly fits in with their suite of web services though. I think the last point is the key. I don’t think the Googleised version of JotSpot (Gspot?) will be intended as a service … Keep reading

links for 2006-10-31

Le Monde moves to WordPress (tags: blogging wordpress lemonde) Home – Spin Thicket (tags: pr marketing media) Main Articles: ‘Wiki or Won’t He? A Tale of Public Sector Wikis’, Ariadne Issue 49 (tags: public sector wiki) Video « (tags: blogging video wordpress more minimal – five ways to make your blog more … Keep reading

NaNoWriMo: Quietness ahead?

So, NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow. This means I am going to have to cut back a little, and so it’s likely to be my daily posting only for a little while. This is a bit of shame as there is plenty going on at the moment (I def. want to get a post written up … Keep reading

FeedDemon thoughts

Been using the FeedDemon 2.1 Beta3 for a while now. Here’s a couple of thoughts: Each blog post has a link to post it to, it’s been there for a couple of versions now. But if I click a link to another post, or to expand a summary feed, the link disappears. Can we … Keep reading

Google buys JotSpot

JotSpot has been purchased by Google, according to the official Google blog: OK, I can finally blurt it out: JotSpot is now part of Google, and I couldn’t be more excited. Three years ago my friend Graham Spencer and I set out to start a new company. We’d both recently left Excite, which we co-founded, … Keep reading