
Strange times at the moment. Yesterday I went to the doctors to try and get my sore throat sorted out – I’ve had it for about a month now. When I left, I had diabetes. Everyone has been cool so far, plenty of good advice and well wishes. Heck, it’s not like I’m even properly … Keep reading

links for 2006-10-23

Google News a Step Closer to Integrating Blogs (tags: blogging google news) Broken Kode | Manji (tags: wordpress theme) Better Beginnings: how to start a presentation, book, article… (tags: presentation tips advice powerpoint) Read More Blogs « BlogSmart (tags: blogs howto) Sudan expels blogging UN official Pronk (tags: blogging UN sudan) Download of the Day: … Keep reading

Firefox oddness

Am running the recently v2 of FireFox, only this strange thing is happening at the moment, a weird beige strip between the title and the menu bar, using up screen estate and generally being annoying… Tags: firefox

links for 2006-10-21

Edelman’s fall from blogosphere grace (tags: blogging edelman) Paint.NET (tags: free photos graphics software)

Death of an iPod, Pressies

My iPod has gone wrong. For some reason, it refuses to update with new songs and podcasts. So, I need a replacement. But do I spend 300 odd quid on a new iPod, or look to another solution – because it’s not like iPods are exactly perfect… I’m thinking of using this instead: Yep, my … Keep reading