Un-Made-Up is a great little blog just started by the journalist and author William Shaw. It features true stories submitted by readers, all under 1,000 words long. Well worth a look.
An online notebook
Un-Made-Up is a great little blog just started by the journalist and author William Shaw. It features true stories submitted by readers, all under 1,000 words long. Well worth a look.
We’ve been acquired by Plaxo! at HipCal Development Blog (tags: hipcal plaxo web2.0)
Direct-link versions of Digg feeds (tags: rss Digg)
Yep, I am giving you all a chance to do something that will make you better people. You’d be fools/really unpleasant not to take it! The future Mrs Dave is to take part in Race for Life this year, raising money for research into breast cancer. Being the web-savvy individual that she is, she has … Keep reading
TechToolBlog » 195 Free Online Programming Books – Web Programming focusing on Marketing the world wide web (tags: programming books free ebooks)