Back to the drawing board

Since Lee (who is rapidly losing my respect) has pooh-poohed my earlier attempt at a logo for B.O.L.L.O.C.K.S., and even Amsterdam-resident Neville thought it a little on the risque-side, I have attempted another one. I thought this might suitably reflect the feelings of most Bollockers (is that the right collective noun?). Thoughts, chaps?

Clear your desk(top)

AJ’s blog features a nice piece on keeping your desktop free. It’s Windows specific, but the principles could be applied to any OS, I guess. I am with him on this one. The idea of having icons on the desktop is inefficient and, well, rubbish. I use my desktop purely as a temporary holding station … Keep reading

A load of B.O.L.L.O.C.K.S.

Lee Hopkins, antipodean blogger extraordinaire and contributor to Shel and Neville‘s For Immediate Release podcast, and I have been bantering on various posts about the lack of an offline blog editor that, well, does what we want it to. This led me to make an utterly idiotic suggestion. There was a recent flurry among the … Keep reading


ajaxTunes is the latest in the line of web based desktop replacement services from Michael Robertson. It claims to be: …a web-based media player that lets you play, pause, forward and rewind high-quality streaming music straight from the Internet on any computer. Try ajaxTunes immediately, it has been preloaded with a demo account containing more … Keep reading

links for 2006-04-19

17 Resources on GTD software  – Listible! (tags: GTD tools productivity links) MineZone Wiki | MVance / GettingThingsDone (tags: gtd productivity organisation) Getting started with “Getting Things Done” | 43 Folders (tags: GTD productivity)