To Digg, or not to Digg?

Well, it’s certainly a question. When I load up my RSS aggregator (currently Bloglines – though this could change when the UK finally gets the new Newsgator look) there are always new Digg entries. When I leave it for a few hours, the limit of 200 news posts is nearly always reached. Now, one of … Keep reading

Google Homepage Directory

Google have added a directory of possible services to their personal homepage, as announced on their official blog. It provides a much wider variety of easy-to-add content than before, but doesn’t stop the homepage being a pretty static and dull affair compared to the likes of Protopage and Netvibes. You also have to be logged … Keep reading

links for 2006-03-31

Google PageRank Checker – Check Google page rank of any web pages (tags: free google search software) TechCrunch » The State of Online Feed Readers (tags: reader feed RSS)

links for 2006-03-30

What’s eating Microsoft? (tags: windows microsoft) WordPress Development Blog › Widgets Plugin (tags: wordpress) 10 Ways To Lose RSS Subscribers | (tags: blogging rss)


Eponym is a new hosted blog service, and a direct competitor with Blogger. It’s nice and easy to use, and it’s really quick to set up a new blog – like I did (check out that nice Slashdot-esque theme). My one criticism would be that the Control Panel page is a little cluttered – I think … Keep reading