links for 2006-03-13

‘Root’ Password Readable on Ubuntu (tags: ubuntu linux security) Ditching TypePad to Movable Type to WordPress | Performancing Site sanity prevails (tags: wordpress typepad blogging) BlogJet – Blog – Tip: Changing BlogJet This! Template (tags: blogging blogjet) Google Mars (tags: google mars maps)


K2 seems like a really interesting theme for WordPress. It is still in beta at the moment, but I have installed on World of Dave just to see how it works and looks. I actually really like the feel of the Contempt theme I have in place on here, so it will take something special … Keep reading

links for 2006-03-12

The significance of the Writely acquisitiion (tags: writely google naughton) WordPress 2.0.2 Security Release (tags: blogging wordpress) Ditching WordPress for TypePad The act of a madman (tags: wordpress blogging) Why Dont You…Blog? » Computer Magazine Cover Disks (tags: software) Beta 3 of FeedDemon available (tags: aggregator feeddemon rss software windows)

What I use (at the moment)

Nearly a year ago, I wrote about the applications I use on a regular basis. This was obviously on the Windows laptop I am using right now. This is going to change in a major way pretty soon, when I make the big switch to Linux. So, I thought it would be pretty interesting to … Keep reading

The Changes

So, what made me want to change things round? Well, there have been, or are going to be, several changes to the way I am doing things generally, IT-wise. One thing is that I really wanted to move away from using things that I don’t really consider ethical. The obvious one there is Microsoft, so, … Keep reading