links for 2006-02-23

Google Introduces Web Page Creator (tags: google web2.0) Google’s new web page builder (tags: google web2.0)

Google Page Creator

Google has released another new service: this time a web page editor and host. Not really a competitor to it’s own Blogger service, this system just produces flat sites, so really it should be seen as belonging to the same breed as Yahoo!’s GeoCities (is it still called that?) Anyway, I have been having a play, … Keep reading

links for 2006-02-22

Site axes MP over ‘fake’ e-mails (tags: politics email) OnTime Bug Tracking Software, Issue/Defect Tracker and Project Management (tags: project management software) Bona tempes volvant–by Guy Kawasaki: The Name Game (tags: names URLs) Netdisaster | Destroy the web! Deface the sites you hate! (tags: flash internet) MySpace is the New Blogosphere (tags: blogging community myspace)

links for 2006-02-21

Chicago Tribune | Eric Zorn 23 steps to RSS (tags: rss blogging) Alastair Campbell — master of spin driven to use IT (tags: politics it email) 10 Tips for Attracting More Comments (tags: blogging comments) Wiki Search Engine Arrives (tags: wiki search) foldera taking folders to a new level … organzied disorganization (tags: web2.0 office … Keep reading

CSS Layout Tutorial for beginners

A tutorial that goes step by step through the process of implementing a real-world web design into a working template using CSS for layout. read more | digg story Seems a nice little tutorial for CSS beginners.