The problem with MyPimp, Bookmarking update

Have started to use MyPimp as I need a calendar and it makes sense to have one online. The contacts bit might be useful too. However, there is a big problem with it at the moment and that is that it only supports american date formats, i.e. today on MyPimp is 11/5/05, wheras my brain … Keep reading

Links 4/11/05

Meebo: aweb based multi-service IM tool Kiko: AJAX based online calender Using MediaWiki to Build a “normal” Website


On the recent discussion about browsers on Palimpsest, talk turned eventually to bookmarks, as one member had recently had a problem with Firefox deleting them all. Not sure how that happened, but it is a useful reminder that in Firefox you can back up your bookmarks by saving them to a HTML file. This is … Keep reading

Time for the web pioneers to pick sides

From today’s Guardian: Time for the web pioneers to pick sides. Yahoo has been sending men up mountains. Last week, the portal – which claims to be the world’s biggest, with a user base of more than 345 million – unveiled its latest journalistic enterprise, Richard Bangs Adventures. The five-part multimedia package is produced by … Keep reading

Google Print, Firefox, Google Portal

A day off work today. A few quick things before I get on. Maybe more later… Google Print is online. Had a quick play, looking for H.G. Wells’ The First Men on the Moon. Sadly that text is still under copyright so not all of it is available. Plenty of other classics are there in … Keep reading