Advertising God
I love these posters. The sheer awfulness of the puns they employ never fail to make me smile. This was taken on my cameraphone (hence (lack of) quality) in Warwick.
An online notebook
I love these posters. The sheer awfulness of the puns they employ never fail to make me smile. This was taken on my cameraphone (hence (lack of) quality) in Warwick.
Haven’t done one of these for a while. Sorry! Joel: Something Rotten in AdSense CyberJournalist: Top 10 Reasons for Reading a News Site Google Base Was Sort of Live Phil Bradley asks which blogging system he should switch to
Palimpsest’s Book Group is reading two H.G. Wells books at the moment. Being a skinflint, I thought I would download them from Project Gutenberg, a library of free books available in ext format, and sometimes HTML. The two novels are: The First Men on the Moon The Sleeper Awakes The trouble is that often the … Keep reading
Been listening to Radio 4 and the Today programme on the way into work recently. This morning’s news was full of interesting stuff: Galloway accused of Senate ‘lies’ – I am no fan of Galloway’s, but I do find it surprising that the Seante Committee has come out with these statements without further interviews with … Keep reading
The Guardian asks whether the content in Wikipedia is worth all that much, and gets some experts to judge some entries. The founder of the online encyclopedia written and edited by its users has admitted some of its entries are ‘a horrific embarrassment’. To be honest, I would never dream of using Wikipedia as a … Keep reading