CSS and Standards

I have always been a self-taught bodge job type of web designer, and nothing I have ever designed has passed the w3c validator test. So, I decided recently, just as a technical exercise, to try and create a site which was both reasonable to look at and standards compliant, using XHTML strict and a CSS … Keep reading


MyPimp is an online personal information manager, using the latest flashy ajax technology that many of the Web 2.0 apps are using, like Writely, for example. Interestingly, when using it with IE, a big message in a red box appears at the top of the page: The browser you are using is not currently supported … Keep reading

Google Mail

Saw a strange thing on logging in to Gmail this morning: And here’s the explaination: We have been involved in a dispute regarding the Gmail trademark in the UK. Another company has claimed rights to the Gmail name. We have tried to resolve this dispute through negotiations, but our efforts have failed. We are still … Keep reading

Google Reader

Reader is the new RSS aggregator from Google. And I am rather sorry to say that it is rubbish. It uses a lot of the java technology that works so well on Gmail, and alright on the personalised home page. But Reader just seems unfinished to me – no make that barely even started. Fair … Keep reading


John Naughton links to Writely, an online word processor. This is the sort of thing I have discussed earlier, that Google could provide after their link up with Sun, using the OpenOffice.org applications as a base. This might be useful for something I am working on, where three people are editing the same file. At … Keep reading