Gmail hints

Great collection of hints and tips for Gmail users here, as linked to yesterday by John Naughton.

Stating the Bleeding Obvious

As reported in The Guardian: I’ve never read a book, says Posh. I would have thought that should anyone have actually wasted their time considering this issue, they would have assumed that was the case anyway? Baby, Scary, Ginger, Sporty and Bookish probably wouldn’t have had quite the same ring to it. Despite penning a 528-page autobiography … Keep reading

Links 16/8/05

Will start having a post with various links I have come across which don’t necessarily need any further comment from me. Rather than have a link per post, I will save them up during the day and then post when I am finished. There won’t necessarily be a post like this every day, but they … Keep reading

Blogger for Word

The Blogger Buzz blog announces a new tool for Blogger – an extension for MS Word that allows you to write and post entries direct from the word processor. Cool. It’s been imaginatively called Blogger for Word.

BBC ‘punks’ Wikipedia?

Saw this on Slashdot: An article over at BoingBoing discusses what appears to be a viral marketing ploy appearing in a Wikipedia entry. Quote: “Someone has apparently abused collaborative reference site Wikipedia in a viral marketing campaign for a BBC online alternate reality game. The BoingBoing article states: …In fairness, it is also possible for … Keep reading