Just as I upgrade WordPress, another new version comes along!
An online notebook
Just as I upgrade WordPress, another new version comes along!
Had a lovely trip to Ellesmere this afternoon for bike rides and a picnic. Took a couple of photos – some of which are over on my Flickr page.
My blogroll has always been accessed via BlogLines, though it has recently fallen behind since I started using FeedDemon. So, to get things updated quickly, I exported my FeedDemon list of blogs into an OPML file, which I then imported into Bloglines. And it works!
This afternoon, I ‘designed’ a quite frankly rubbish link icon for this blog, in the style of the little rectangles one sees on many blogs, including this one. Here it is: The font is Jason Kottke’s Silkscreen, perfect for this kind of small scale work.
Just noticed from the phpBB site that version 2.0.17 has been released. Hopefully this will solve some of the security problems we have been having over on Palimpsest, where various web robots have been brining the site to a standstill, creating multiple database sessions as they plough through the site.