Tim Berners-Lee

Nice profile of Tim Berners-Lee, ‘inventor’ of the World Wide Web, in today’s Guardian: There are, according to recent figures, more than 35 million web users in the UK today. More than 15 million British homes have internet connections and, thanks to faster broadband technologies, we are living in a radically different world from that … Keep reading


Went on a course today (in Bristol! 3 hours drive! Still, beautiful scenery) to have a look at Snap, a piece of survey (as in questionnaires) software. It was a good course, and introduced all the various elements pretty quickly. A couple of things annoyed me though. Firstly, the fact that the tutor had to … Keep reading

How depressing

This from BBC News: A South Korean man has died after reportedly playing an online computer game for 50 hours with few breaks. The 28-year-old man collapsed after playing the game Starcraft at an internet cafe in the city of Taegu, according to South Korean authorities. The man had not slept properly, and had eaten … Keep reading

Godcasting, anyone?

This piece from today’s Guardian: If you’re up to date, podcasting – an automated way of making audio files (such as radio shows) available to download – should be old hat. The latest spin-off from this technology, said Ellen Lee in the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel, is Godcasting. According to Lee, Godcasts – “religious and spiritually … Keep reading

Header changes

Have put in a new photo to the header – one from my trip to Cambridge, squashed, filtered and generally fiddled with. Still a little way to go, so forgive me for it looking, er, a bit shit at the moment…