
Finally got a desk for the laptop to go on last weekend, which meant that I could get a mouse at long last too – after all, there isn’t much point in having on if the thing is on your knees all the time. It has made using the PC a far, far more enjoyable … Keep reading


Am upgrading to version of WordPress at the moment, so sorry if anyone encounters any bother…

Adam Curry Interview

Interesting interview with Adams Curry just posted on Naked Conversations: Interview: Adam Curry  

One blog created ‘every second’

From the BBC: The blogosphere is continuing to grow, with a weblog created every second, according to blog trackers Technorati. In its latest State of the Blogosphere report, it said the number of blogs it was tracking now stood at more than 14.2m blogs, up from 7.8m in March. It suggests, on average, the number … Keep reading

William Golding

Great quote from William Golding just popped up on ‘Quote of the Day’ on my customised Google homepage: Life isn’t fair. It’s just fairer than death, that’s all.