Rick G’s Blog

I think he has announced it over on Palimpsest now, so I can let everyone know here that Rick Green has started the first Palimpblog! His posts have already been pretty varied and thoughtful and it will be interesting to see where he takes it. Rick’s blog.

Itunes Problem

Since upgrading to Itunes 4.9 I have been attached to the US store and not the UK one and am unable to buy any music. Anyone have this problem? What have I done wrong?!? 🙁

Wikipedia is not a Revolution

Interesting post over on the TwoWayWeb News: I got a response from Jimmy Wales to a note about Wikipedia on Scripting News on a private mail list. He may if he wants, make his response public. Imho, it was unnecessarily personal. But he showed me something about Wikipedia that I hadn’t seen before. My first note … Keep reading


Christ, I feel terrible. Off work again for the second time in three weeks. Think it must be Glandular fever – others have had it recently. Still, it gives me plenty of time to loll in bed and do nothing other than type for a few days, which is no bad thing given some of … Keep reading

Google Toolbar for Firefox

From Phil Bradley: If you’re a Firefox user, Google has now produced a version of the toolbar for the browser. Features are listed from the link: Google Toolbar Help