New Parsnip at last

Yesterday I finally got round to writing another piece of Parsnip, the thoroughly inept fantasy author. They raced through the arid desert land which was what Zamora was comprised of, mostly. There were some nice bits but they were all on the coast. The two intrepid mercenaries had to go as fast as possible. They … Keep reading

Lack of Action

Not a lot going on here I am afraid. This is entirely due to the fact that I don’t have internet access at home, and now I do much of my web browsing through FeedDemon it’s a bit tricky doing stuff at work. But will try to make at least a post or two a … Keep reading

The New Job

In response to my legions of demanding readers… The new job is going pretty well! I work in a team of about 10 people, all of whom are jolly friendly. Essentially the team pimps itself around the Council doing bits of work for other departments. This can range from doing one off pieces of work, … Keep reading

Palimpsest’s Big Day Out

Yesterday was the Big Day Out for members of Palimpsest, the arts discussion site I help maintain. It was also my birthday, and what a great way to spend it. Whilst in the pub I discussed blogging for a short while with someone, and they remarked on the fact that (these are my words, not … Keep reading


As a sweetener for members of Palimpsest who made a donation towards the hosting this year, I offered them an @palimpsest email address. This got me thinking about what other services could be offered to those who might be interested. How about having a Palimpsest hosted blog? I have a spare database that isn’t being … Keep reading