
As a sweetener for members of Palimpsest who made a donation towards the hosting this year, I offered them an @palimpsest email address. This got me thinking about what other services could be offered to those who might be interested. How about having a Palimpsest hosted blog? I have a spare database that isn’t being … Keep reading

BlogJetThis! Extension for FireFox 0.4

BlogJetThis! Extension for FireFox 0.4 James Avery has created a FireFox extension that allows you to select text in FireFox and then blog about it using BlogJet. Great work James! If you visit the above link, you’ll see a few comments from me, who in my usual dunderheaded way, couldn’t seem to get the extension … Keep reading

Great Computers of our Times, part 1

From the Guardian Online blog: In praise of Amiga Apropos of very little, I had a bit of a retro memory flashback the other day (actually it was when I dug out an old copy of Lemmings) and started thinking about what probably ranks as my favourite computer ever:… And it’s the good old Amiga … Keep reading

Evangelism Lessons

Neville Hobson writes: Three lessons about evangelism: Always consider another’s point of view – and listen to that point of view no matter how anxious you are to get across your own point of view Be passionate but consider how you ‘deploy’ that passion – others may view your evangelism as rigid and self-righteous proselytizing Know … Keep reading