Mobiles and Petrol Stations

I’ve always wondered about this… UK professor concludes: cellphones don’t cause gas station fires Maybe MythBusters isn’t a solid enough scientific authority for Connecticut state senator Andreas Stillman, who wants to ban the use of cellphones when you’re filling up your car, but a professor from University of Kent in the UK has decided to … Keep reading

Growing Readership

Some good advice from Susan Mernit: How to grow your (blogging) audience The traffic to this blog has gone up in the past three months, and it’s surely at least in part a result of some things I consciously put into practice. So, in the interests of transparency and sharing, here are some best practices: … Keep reading

New Link Blog Location

My link blog has now moved to Blogger. This is so I can use BlogJet to dump stuff to it quickly and easily – something I couldn’t do with the BlogLines blog.

Blogzine Launches

This might be useful and worth checking out, from Renee Blodgett Blogzine launches, which is New Communications Forum’s new bi-monthly online publication dedicated to exploring new communications tools, technologies and emerging modes of communication, (including blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasts, search marketing, etc.). It aims to discuss the growing phenomena of participatory communications and their effect … Keep reading

Rubel Roundup

Quite a few interesting posts by Steve Rubel on Micro Persuasion recently, which I am still catching up on. Folksonomies Turn Chaos Into Information eWeek: The new term “Folksonomy” has emerged to describe the potential for user-defined tags to organically develop structure out of what might appear to be chaotic collections of information. One of the … Keep reading