
Buzz Marketing with Blogs discusses Google’s AdSense programme. Am surprised at this:  I was all set to tell you about Fred Wilson, a venture capitalist in New York who just publicly posted his exact Google AdSense revenue figures for the year.  He made $500, he says, and he’s got charts to back it up! This is notable … Keep reading


Just been reordering all my Bloglines feeds in FeedDemon. On Bloglines I had kept them all on the ‘top level’ and not sorted them into folders, but that method makes things far too unwieldy when working offline. So, I have chosen the following categories: Computers & Internet Blogging General News and Sport Politics Books Obviously the … Keep reading

Chapter 2 of The Red Couch

The second Chapter of the blogging book being written on a blog is here.It was actually posted 5 days ago, but have only just had the chance to have a look at it. My first comment is that I’m not sure at all about the title – Souls of the Borg.It sounds like a ghost … Keep reading


During the time I have been ‘away’ from the blog, I haven’t been keeping up with the comment moderating very well. Apologies to anyone who’s comments haven’t appeared yet, I will get it sorted out, at some point…