
Only just come across this, from The Guardian’s Newsblog. Bizarre… Slough Tory sacked Assiduous readers may recall our story revealing that the Conservatives’ prospective parliamentary candidate for Slough, Adrian Hilton, believed the EU was part of a Catholic conspiracy to impose Vatican hegemony on Britain. Well, last night Michael Howard sacked him….


Buzz Marketing with Blogs discusses Google’s AdSense programme. Am surprised at this:  I was all set to tell you about Fred Wilson, a venture capitalist in New York who just publicly posted his exact Google AdSense revenue figures for the year.  He made $500, he says, and he’s got charts to back it up! This is notable … Keep reading


Just been reordering all my Bloglines feeds in FeedDemon. On Bloglines I had kept them all on the ‘top level’ and not sorted them into folders, but that method makes things far too unwieldy when working offline. So, I have chosen the following categories: Computers & Internet Blogging General News and Sport Politics Books Obviously the … Keep reading

Chapter 2 of The Red Couch

The second Chapter of the blogging book being written on a blog is here.It was actually posted 5 days ago, but have only just had the chance to have a look at it. My first comment is that I’m not sure at all about the title – Souls of the Borg.It sounds like a ghost … Keep reading