Blogger Cancels Comments

Stephen Pollard, a UK based political journalist and quite regular blogger, has sadly been forced to remove the comments facility on his blog: I’m afraid I have had to disable all comments from now on. I do not have the time to monitor the site for the abusive, defamatory, racist and anti-Semitic remarks which some … Keep reading

UK gets official virus alert site

IT Safe is a new site created by the UK government to keep the populace updated with IT security news. The BBC report is pretty thorough: A rapid alerting service that tells home computer users about serious internet security problems is being launched by the UK government. The service, IT Safe, will issue warnings about … Keep reading

What’s in a Name?

Robert Scoble posts over on The Red Couch blog about the name of the blog just started by the publisher of his and Shel Israel’s book. …our publisher, Joe Wikert has started a blog. Shel linked to it the other night. And he made a common first mistake: he didn’t think through his title very … Keep reading

Don’t Blog!

Great link from Ken Leebow’s Blogging About Incredible Blogs, er, blog. It’s called Don’t Blog, and is very amusing. Like this: Bloggers abandon their families as they compulsively blog. One result: “blog widows.” Common activities: Apologizing to friends for all the “blog talk.” Arguing for quality time for the relationship, for the kids. Learning the … Keep reading

Blogging and Search Poll Results

I have just posted to the Link Blog about the results of a poll run by Phil Bradley, which contained some quite revealing, and surprising, results. Well worth checking out.