RSS readers

Read/WriteWeb has an interesting piece on RSS aggregators, and whether they really matter any more: One of the interesting trends of 2009 has been the gradual decline of RSS Readers as a way for people to keep up with news and niche topics. Many of us still use them, but less than we used to. … Keep reading


tweetwally is a terrifically simple site that lets you create your own pages that track what is being said on Twitter. It’s a great way of sharing tweets on a topic with people who perhaps aren’t hardcore Twitter users. I have set one up that tracks any tweets that have localgov in them. If anybody … Keep reading

5 Different uses for RSS

RSS is a great technology, one of those that underpins the new usefulness of the web. It’s a simple way of keeping in touch with what is happening in lots of different places, without having to keep visiting lots of sites every day. Here’s a video from those wonderful Common Craft folk explaining RSS better … Keep reading

Rethinking government news

Where do government and other public sector folk get their news from? Info4Local eGov Monitor GCN Kable Individual government department websites Any others? I wonder if there is a possibility for putting together a one-stop-shop for news, aggregating the popular sources in one place. I’d also like to see conversations added to the mix, so … Keep reading