Guidance and Toolkits

There have been a number of posts popping up around the use of the social web within government, both as a reaction to discussions of the civil service guidelines for online participation and to the need to provide the tools and skills to public servants to make their interventions effective. Firstly, the guidelines, about which … Keep reading

What is the role of government on the web?

Gerry McGovern has been writing an excellent trio of posts on the topic of government and the web. He has identified five things that government should be addressing: Get away from a technology obsession Manage customer top tasks, not government websites Get politicians off government websites Stop government vanity publishing Develop a government archive He … Keep reading

Government offline

The Economist has published an interesting article on “Why business succeeds on the web and government mostly fails”: Why is government unable to reap the same benefits as business, which uses technology to lower costs, please customers and raise profits? The three main reasons are lack of competitive pressure, a tendency to reinvent the wheel … Keep reading