Bookmarks for September 2nd

Stuff I have bookmarked for September 2nd: Obama’s Secret Weapon: Geeks. Lots of Them | Linux Journal – "The man has means for e-governance already in place. And geeks are the ones who put it there. And will continue to put it there, whether Obama wins or not in November."

Bookmarks for August 29th

Stuff I have bookmarked for August 29th: UK Central government departments, executive agencies and non-departmental public bodies with rss feeds – Er… just what it says. Useful list, hat tip to Tom Steinberg on the MySociety list Municipalist: Q & A: Jeremy Gould, U.K. Ministry of Justice – Everyone's favourite gov webby gets asked some … Keep reading

Bookmarks for August 27th

Stuff I have bookmarked for August 27th: MJ Ray – slef on WsM Forum – Parish councillor's blog Supplying Decent Services – Hazel Blears announces a review of what happens when local gov doesn't deliver the goods, to be chaired by the Chief Exec of my local authority! Oosah – Homepage – 1 terabyte of … Keep reading

Bookmarks for August 26th

Stuff I have bookmarked for August 26th: 21 Mindblowing Premium-Like Free WordPress Themes – Another useful roundup of wordpress themes

Bookmarks for August 21st

Stuff I have bookmarked for August 21st: Screencasting: How To Start, Tools and Guidelines – Great guide on screencasting 10 Downing Street Website on More4 News – Spot from More4 News going through some of the criticisms of the Number 10 website.