How to run a GovCamp

With the excitement building up to LocalGovCamp Yorkshire and the Humber on Saturday, I thought I might share this piece, which I wrote for the UKGovCamp hub site a little while ago. It’s a ten point plan to organising your own GovCamp type event – and it really is quite easy! 1. Have an idea … Keep reading

LocalGovCamp Yorkshire and Humber

All Aboard the Great Yorkshire & Humber LocalGovCamp Train! Departing from: The National Railway Museum in York (only 2hrs from London) Departure date: Saturday 12 June 2010 For tickets and more information: This first LocalGovCamp under the new Coalition Government will undoubtedly see some big issues debated, not least the future of local government … Keep reading

The home of GovCamp

Over the past few years, a number of events have happened which could loosely be described as ‘GovCamps’ – taking the barcamp idea of open space style ‘unconferences’ and governmentising it a bit. Starting with Jeremy’s efforts in 2008, we have since seen two subsequent national level govcamps, and several local versions, in Birmingham, Lincoln, … Keep reading

Project managers’ localgovcamp today

The latest in the seemingly unstoppable movement of localgovcamps is happening today, in Cheltenham. It’s subject specific, and is going to be all about project management and that sort of thing. Great work by the team at Cheltenham Borough Council in throwing this together: Jon Hyde, David Wenban and Fiona Legge, amongst others. Learning Pool is … Keep reading