LINK: “Chat is Google’s next big fix for Android’s messaging mess”

A top-tier Android phone can cost upwards of a thousand dollars, and for that money, you’ll get some amazing features. It will have a stellar screen, top-flight camera, gobs of storage, and an absolutely atrocious texting experience. Original:

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: An Open Letter to Software Suppliers – 13 Ways to Help the Public Sector to the Cloud – @copley_rich Why the obsession with “coding” misses the point – from @jjn1 “Whatsapp and $19bn” – great writeup Love this: “How To Create A Self-Paced Email Course” Why … Keep reading

Snapchat, WhatsApp and the rise of anti-social networking

Apparently, private messaging service WhatsApp has overtaken Facebook messaging as the goto mobile messaging platform. I can understand why growing numbers of people are picking up on private messaging services like WhatsApp, SnapChat and so on – particularly young people. These apps allow users to send each other messages, whether text, images or video, privately. … Keep reading