Cultural agoraphobia

John Naughton’s Observer piece this morning is a good one: The cultural agoraphobia from which most of us suffer leads us always to overemphasise the downsides of openness and lack of central control, and to overvalue the virtues of order and authority. And that is what is rendering us incapable of harnessing the potential benefits … Keep reading

Rewriting the rules

John Naughton‘s Observer column on ten years of blogging is a delightful read: This openness to immediate criticism and/or rebuttal is another revolutionary aspect of blogging. What we are seeing, wrote Clay Shirky some years ago (available online at, is nothing less than the ‘mass amateurisation of publishing’. What’s happening is a radical shift … Keep reading

John Naughton on Flickr

From his column in Sunday’s Observer: Flickr’s designers also displayed a shrewd grasp of the essence of Web 2.0 thinking – namely that the big rewards come from making it easy for other developers to hook into your stuff. So they were quick to publish the application programming interface (API), the technical details other programmers … Keep reading