
This blog has a clear theme this morning. Here’s another tool that makes Twitter even more useful: Twitter100. It displays the latest updates from up to 100 of the people you follow on one page. It certainly makes following what’s going on a lot easier. Thanks to Mike Butcher for the link (via Twitter, of … Keep reading


Mike Butcher reports on TechCrunch UK about Tweetmeme, a new UK based service which provides updates as to what the hot discussions are on Twitter. A Techmeme for microbloggers, if you will. Having had a look at it this morning, much of the conversation being tracked is around Tweetmeme itself, though the new WordPress Twitter … Keep reading


Twitter is becoming an indispensable tool for me – albeit one I didn’t know I needed until I started using it in a big way. I guess that as with a lot of these social networking type utilities, Metcalfe’s law applies – the more people use it, the more useful it is. Now I am … Keep reading