Scrutiny Best Practice Guide outline

Have been putting some more thought into my idea for a Scrutiny Best Practice booklet.

Here’s a draft outline plan:


  • Preparation, Participation, Partnership
  • A Note on Structures

Part One: Preparation

  • Objectives and Outcomes
  • Research
  • Agendas and Reports
  • The Meeting
  • Post Meeting

Part Two: Participation

  • Scrutiny and Overview Members
  • Backbench Members
  • The Executive
  • The Public
  • Officers
  • Expert Witnesses
  • Methods of Participation

Part Three: Partnership

  • Scrutiny and the Executive
  • Scrutiny and ‘Backbenh’ Councillors
  • Scrutiny and the Public
  • Scrutiny and the Media


  • Using Preparation, Participation and Partnership to create sucessful outcomes

The aim would be to put together case studies each chapter showing how things can be done – and how they might have been done better.

3 thoughts on “Scrutiny Best Practice Guide outline”

  1. Hi Stuart

    Sadly I no longer work in Scrutiny, and so my enthusiasm for the project has diminished somewhat. Some of the ideas mentioned were included in the Scrutiny Handbook I wrote for BCKLWN which you can find here.

  2. Hi Dave, are you aware if this idea was taken forward by anyone else? This kind of booklet would be ideal for a review I am currently working on but I’m currently drawing up blanks on the subject. Thanks

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