The New Job

In response to my legions of demanding readers…

The new job is going pretty well! I work in a team of about 10 people, all of whom are jolly friendly. Essentially the team pimps itself around the Council doing bits of work for other departments. This can range from doing one off pieces of work, such as designing processes and peforming surveys, to managing whole projects. I think most people have several jobs on at once, so it is all very varied.

At the moment I have two things on the go. One is on the Council’s BroadBand project. Confusingly, it’s not that broadband, but rather a way of extending the County Council’s network to satellite offices and schools. A name change is in the pipeline. The other thing is that my boss is managing the project to create an all-in-one Customer Service Centre for the Council. I will be his gimp.

So it’s going well. The office is really relaxed and everyone seems to get on jolly well. They have booked me in for a few courses, which is always nice. And I can access the Palimp without too much difficulty! Hurrah!

5 thoughts on “The New Job”

  1. Yeah, I am driving from Yardley in Birmingham, where I am staying with a friend, to Warwick every morning which is going ok. On Monday I left at 7.30 and got here at 8.45. Since then I have been leaving at 7.15 and arriving at 8.00.

    Go figure.

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