Godcasting, anyone?

This piece from today’s Guardian:

If you’re up to date, podcasting – an automated way of making audio files (such as radio shows) available to download – should be old hat. The latest spin-off from this technology, said Ellen Lee in the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel, is Godcasting.

According to Lee, Godcasts – “religious and spiritually themed podcasts” – have become “the most popular use of the new online technology since it debuted less than a year ago”. They “range from a daily dose of Scripture to a weekly dose of the Bible translated into Klingon”, continued Lee, who explained that “the vast majority are Christian-based, but they also include New Age, Jewish and Buddhist podcasts.”

is along rather similar lines to this entry on the BBC News site, last Wednesday:

Thousands of people have downloaded a Suffolk vicar’s sermons after he posted them on the internet last month.

The Rev Leonard Payne, Vicar of St Nicholas’ Church in Wrentham, said the response had been overwhelming after he posted them on the Apple iTune store.

“We were stunned. Within a short period of time, over 2,000 people had downloaded one of them,” he said.

At one point demand for the sermons was so great they had to change servers, Mr Payne said.

The church in the small rural parish first developed its own website where the sermons could be accessed.

It was set up so people who could not attend church could download and listen to sermons at home.

3 thoughts on “Godcasting, anyone?”

  1. People do ask for hard copies of such things, in my experience, so this is another useful ‘way of being church’ as the current jargon would have it.

  2. Yes thats right – I’m the vicar concerned in the story with the podcasts.

    So far about 3900 downloads and I am gobsmacked by the response. Maybe what is being down is hitting a nerve.

    This sundays theme – “Jesus’ Bad Hair Day”

    Bless ya heart

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