WordPress 2.0 Upgrade

very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency [x]

Well, I have upgraded to WordPress 2.0 and it was as seamless as always, no problems whatsoever. Will now get in touch with Rick and Chilli about getting theirs sorted out too.

Incidentally, the WordPress site has had a bit of a makeover. No word on the blog yet as to any details, and the link to the new version download hasn’t been announced, so I may have jumped the gun a bit. Never mind – if any of the WordPress guys read this, then they know it all works just fine.

A couple of great features I have just spotted, there are bound to be more as I investigate, are that the editing window can be dragged larger with the mouse, and that post previews show the post inside your chosen template, rather than just with text. Brilliant!

1 thought on “WordPress 2.0 Upgrade”

  1. Just used the ‘import’ feature now on the WordPress admin screen to pull in the posts from my old blogger blog. It’s nice to have everything in one place!

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