Qumana Beta 2 out now / BlogJet

Qumana Beta 2 has been released and it addresses the WordPress issue I (and many others) mentioned earlier.

I must say I have been hugely impressed with the way the Qumana people have engaged with those offering feedback on their product. So, to keep it coming, here’s some more suggestions:

  • Get Qumana to integrate with FeedDemon – the ‘blog this’ function doesn’t copy the text of the blog post like BlogJet does.
  • For users with multiple blogs, the default is always the first blog you set up. Perhaps the options could be to set either a constant default, or for the default to be the last blog you posted to.
  • It would be nice to be able to add a title element to hyperlinks.

Well, just three for now. But I am going to use Qumana to write the posts for a new blogging project I am working on, so I will be able to test it out some more.

I returned to BlogJet to write this post with, and noticed that several new versions have been released since I last checked. Not sure which features are new, but one I hadn’t noticed before was that it includes an auto-replace feature, that can be used to create the automatic parsing of links I mentioned in another post. Nice one!

4 thoughts on “Qumana Beta 2 out now / BlogJet”

  1. Dave, we have integrated Qumana into an RSS aggregator / newreader … Lektora (www.lektora.com which we own and will rename). And yes, I suppose we should find a way to integrate it into other feedreaders .. we’ve asked before for permission, to add a more fully-featured editor to Bloglines than their “Clip This”, but had no reply 😉

  2. Cool. Will have a look at lektora. Appreciate that your first consideration has to be for your own products – but I think that a lot of goodwill can be gained by opening things up to other products. I remember how pissed off people were with Google when their toolbar only supported Blogger, for example!

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