Hello LGSearch readers!

Hello there to anyone who has clicked the Blog link from LGSearch. Rather than being directed to the LGSearch blog, you’ve been sent here, to visit the rest of the family.

LGSearch matters will be discussed here, along with the other work I am doing on a forum, wiki and this blog. Have a look around, and let me know what you think!

2 thoughts on “Hello LGSearch readers!”

  1. Hi, I put some details of our Unit into your search engine but did not get any results. Would you add us to your site if possible as I believe we are one of a very few who offer this type of service. Our website is very basic at the moment but that is due to change over the next few weeks.
    Many thanks, Lee Russell
    Activity Organiser

  2. Hi Lee

    Thanks for the comment. The link you provided doesn’t work – it looks like it might be an internal intranet site? A quick standard Google search produced this page about Wheatridge Court Respite Unit, but as that is a part of Gloucestershire CC’s main website, that will be picked up within that, once the Google spider gets round to it.

    Let me know if there is more I can do!

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