WordPress 2.1


Sorry for the lack of posting in recent times, folks. Here’s a biggie I missed out on reporting: the release of WordPress 2.1.

I’ve installed it over on my personal blog, and I have to say it’s a great release that has sorted out a number of the issues people have had with previous releases. Some of the new stuff includes:

  • Improved rich text editor with tabbed window for code editing
  • Spell checking
  • Autosaving of posts
  • Ability to have a static home page without needing a plugin
  • Improved attachment uploading
  • Export and import of other WordPress blogs
  • Nicer log in screen
  • Slightly confusing link management that ties into post categories

WordPress is easily the best open source blog platform out there now, and probably the best full stop. A giant slap on the back for the developing community.

[tags]blogging, wordpress, wordpress 2.1[/tags]