An EU Political MySpace?

From EU Observer:

Plans are being developed to launch a social networking site for MEPs and MPs to boost contacts between politicians across Europe and promote a trans-European democracy. – officially to be launched in October – is a website currently under construction that aims to work along the same lines as the popular MySpace or Facebook social networking services, but in addition to linking social contacts is supposed to foster debate about legislative proposals coming both out of Brussels and from national parliaments.

Sounds exciting, eh? Here’s the real belter though:

The site is planned to be open to the public, who will be able to react to the issues with letters to the editor. However, only MPs and MEPs will be able to post comments.

One for the ‘really badly not getting it’ pile.

2 thoughts on “An EU Political MySpace?”

  1. Yes, they’re missing the point again, but is this much different from all the blogs which are now “only blog network members may comment”? Or even the “registration required” blogs like the new BBC ones?

  2. Totally agree. There’s no point having a supposedly conversational medium like blogs with comments if you put barriers up in people’s way. If folk are that worried about what people might post, just moderate stuff before it goes live.

    That’s a reason why I don’t bother with CAPTCHA on here – not only is it generally pretty evil, but it makes people’s lives harder. I *want* people to talk to me here, so I try to make it as easy as possible!

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