European e-Inclusion Awards

From eGov monitor: The European Commission has just launched the first ever European e-Inclusion Awards. As part of the European Commission’s e-Inclusion Initiative, the Awards will celebrate the best and most imaginative uses of Information and Communications Technology to reduce digital and social exclusion. More here.

links for 2008-05-16 In search of the perfect blogging tool Roo Reynolds is looking for a Mac blog editor as good as Windows Live Writer. It doesn’t exist, frankly. (tags: blogging editor mac software windowslivewriter ecto marsedit) Do we need to better explain what we do? Jeremy muses on where the responsibility lies for explaining about social … Keep reading

Google Reader

Am using Google Reader at the moment as the new version of NetNewsWire, which I foolishly downloaded, seems to have problems doing anything. There’s a number of new features that I need to investigate that weren’t around when I last used the service, like notes on shared items and friends lists. I tend to share … Keep reading