European e-Inclusion Awards

From eGov monitor: The European Commission has just launched the first ever European e-Inclusion Awards. As part of the European Commission’s e-Inclusion Initiative, the Awards will celebrate the best and most imaginative uses of Information and Communications Technology to reduce digital and social exclusion. More here.

Telling stories at DC10plus

As part of our work social reporting the Digital Inclusion conference last week, David and I agreed to write some posts building on what we had done on DC10plus’ own blog, which is hosted at . The first of my posts has now gone up – do subscribe to the blog for some interesting … Keep reading

A day’s reporting

Today was most enjoyably spent at the Digital Inclusion conference, with David Wilcox, doing some video and other social web stuff on behalf of DC10plus. We decided that, rather than drown DC10plus’s own blog with everything we produced, we would host our own blog featuring everything we did, from which people could take what they … Keep reading