My iPhone Apps

Since the iPhone has allowed the installation of third party apps, the utility of the device has increased massively. It just does so much! Here are the ones I find myself using most often:

  • Twitterific – The best twitter client I have used on the iPhone so far. I am still a Twhirl fan on the mac itself, but that isn’t mobile just yet. Still using the ad-supported one, think they made a mistake when they designed the ads to be so easy to ignore!
  • Facebook – the only way I really use Facebook these days. Speeds things up a treat compared to the web version, and the inbuilt messaging service works really well
  • WordPress – only posted once (last night’s test message) using this so far, but it’s great for writing little drafts or notes for potential posts and getting them started
  • EndEvernote – the iPhone app helped me ‘get’ what Evernote could be used for. It allows me to take photos, record snatches of audio or type notes all of which get synced to the EndEvernote desktop app where they can then be exported and used for stuff. I can see myself ditching my Moleskeine for this soon.
  • Google – makes search quicker and easier, and also allows access to other apps, even allowing me to use my Google Apps stuff.
  • Super Monkey Ball – brilliant for quick games here and there, even though I am HOPELESS at it

What other great apps are there I should be using?

7 thoughts on “My iPhone Apps”

  1. Phone Saber. Turns your phone into a light saber! It’s the best thing.

    Also, Light has been very useful for map reading. It’s basically a blank white screen that turns the phone into a torch.

  2. Second vote for PhoneSaber.

    The New York Times app is a great way to read a paper on the phone. I also use OmniFocus to sync with my desktop to-do list.

  3. You say you’ve found an app for the iphone that runs EndNote? ( or is Evernote somehow compatible with EndNote? i could sure use the ability to send RIS citation files from my phone to EndNote on my PC.

  4. no, I think you made it quite clear that you were talking about Evernote, and making a similarity to Endnote. Interesting article, thanks for the info!

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