More cloud working stuff

I missed a couple of bits out of my recent post on stuff I am/will be using to work once I am self employed (not long to go now, folks!). Here’s a couple more:


Being at home alone more often will mean I need to have good communications links with other folk to help me keep on top of things as well as keep me sane. So, I have Skype which is as useful for instant messaging as it is calling people over the web. I’m davewbriggs on Skype, if you’d like to connect on there.

I also use Meebo, which in an in-the-browser instant messenger client which allows you to chat to people whether they use Microsoft, Google, AOL or Yahoo! instant messaging. Very useful! These days it’s also useful to keep an eye on Facebook chat, which seems to be becoming increasingly popular.

One communications medium I would like to make more is online video, both by using ‘webinar’ (ugh!) type services like DimDim and GoToMeeting and video conferencing like ooVoo. It would certainly be cool to be able to provide support or even coaching online using these sorts of methods.


It might be a bit strange for what is effectively a one-man-band to have an intranet. I see it as another tool with which I can organise myself, though. I’m using a wiki I created with Google Sites, which makes use of several templates to create the functionality I need. Each bit of work I undertake has a page in the wiki, and an entry in a big to-do list. All the files for a project are attached to the relevant wiki page, which also lists everything I know about the project: who I am talking to about it, URLs etc so I can’t forget anything. It also means I have a record of completed projects that I can refer to easily. It seems to be working pretty well so far.

5 thoughts on “More cloud working stuff”

  1. Have you tried SIP phones as a open Skype replacement? I’ve got one, I’ve only SIP-called Bristol Wireless (the co-op in the big city up the road) and some people in the USA so far. Most of my calls are through dial-in and dial-out to the regular phone network.

    I’ve tried and failed to use GoToMeeting before. Their browser restrictions and unhelpful helpdesk were very disappointing. So, I think there’s space for some decent online training providers – see for some reasons why I’m not buying as much as I want yet.

  2. Hi Dave,

    I’d like to quickly suggest a free online meeting tool that you might be interested in: Mikogo
    Mikogo is great when you wish to host a free Web presentation or provide some remote support. Very easy to get started and you’re able to share any screen content with up to 10 meeting participants. This is great for Web conferencing, meetings, and other forms of group Web collaboration. 256bit encryption and free for everyone to use with all features included.
    You can access Mikogo quickly from within Skype with the Mikogo Skype Extra. Free online meetings with free Skype calls:
    I’d be really interested to hear your own opinion of our app. When you have a moment to check out the website, feel free to drop me a line with your impression of Mikogo. Would be great to get your feedback.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Best of luck with the work@home.

    The Mikogo Team

  3. Just tried looking at and their tutorial says: “The Camtasia Studio video content presented here requires JavaScript to be enabled and the latest version of the Macromedia Flash Player. If you are you using a browser with JavaScript disabled please enable it now.”

    So another web meeting platform for Adobe customers only and no stand-alone players?

    Why are so few providers offering something open?

  4. Hi MJ Ray,

    We recorded the video tutorials using Camtasia and then produced the videos as Flash files. You can also check out all of our videos on our youtube channel:

    You won’t need Java Script or Flash to use the software and start a meeting. Also, there are no installations or registrations required for the meeting participants. They can just join by clicking on “Join Meeting” on the Mikogo homepage. Very simple and fast to get started. No configurations or network changes required.

    Feel free to drop me an email if you have any other questions.


    The Mikogo Team

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