Unlocking the Power of Local Government Information

The Power of Information Taskforce has shared some great advice on their blog for local authorities to help them share their data with people who want to do interesting stuff with it.

It includes making it clear to folk exactly what they can do with the data, using a single common licence to reduce confusion and recommends the use of the PSI’s ‘Click-use‘ licence.

3 thoughts on “Unlocking the Power of Local Government Information”

  1. We’re just starting on that particular journey, which has been accelerated after the competition we won for a concept to do just that, enable people “pick” our information and “mix” it with the web tools they already use.

    Would be great to find out who else is already on the journey of unlocking their information or even thinking about that, so we can walk the talk together

  2. Noel – join the local government community of interest on the IDEA site and you will see a growing number of local authorities taking this all seriously and wnting to share and learn from others – also check out opsi.gov.uk and help raise awreness of what is possible.

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