Sign up, sign up: as if you have a choice

A little while ago I threatened to start an email newsletter service. Well, I am finally getting to grips with it.

My newsletter will be a monthly affair, providing useful hints, tips and links about digital participation, with the usual social media / web 2.0 slant to things. It won’t be the same stuff as I publish here, so even subscribers to the blog should find some value.

I’m really hoping though that I might be able to reach a few people who don’t really see themselves as RSS junkies or blog readers, but for whom an email every four weeks or so is just enough.

So do visit my newsletter page to fill in the form and sign up, and pass it on to anyone who you think might be interested!

3 thoughts on “Sign up, sign up: as if you have a choice”

  1. @Daniel – I am using Campaign Monitor, having tried out various others, it feels the most intuitive.

    @Neil – ah, the UK Chris Brogan. I wish. I don’t think you get a prize for guessing something that obvious, do you? 😉

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