Bookmarks for January 7th through January 10th

Stuff I have bookmarked for January 7th through January 10th:

1 thought on “Bookmarks for January 7th through January 10th”

  1. Hi Dave, useful links thanks
    The stuff about Kent council – mash ups for the local community – made me think about how they could integrate information held by the community sector. Kent is on my patch as ICT Champion and I know the local voluntary sector people are looking at their information resources, so I will see whether this provides an opportunity to connect them and share in the support form Microsoft.
    Then I read the stuff about intranets and realised – not for the first time – that a lot of people active in the voluntary and community sector really need someone to create an intranet for the sector. SForget the technology it's just that there's a need for someone to create a focus using authorised resources, safe forums, relevant contacts, etc. All based on common values and 'regulated' or 'moderated' by aq trusted person for common benefit.
    Of course this isn't a technical problem – the real challenge will be creating a coherent platform for a completely fragmented organisation – although that's probably how it feels when you start building an intranet for a rapidly changing multinational organsation.
    So I'm going to see how Kent's project may help move the need for a new kind of community intranet. And we've got one or two similar projects on the go in SCIP and this has helped me connect them in a slightly different way.
    Have a good week

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