Dave @ BCS

 British Computer Society

I’m going to be talking to the good folk at the Central London branch of the British Computer Society this Thursday, on the topic of The Search for Shared Meaning: How Social Media Changes Everything:

Blogs, online video, photo sharing and social networking are redefining the way that people interact with each other and with organisations. Understanding the implications of this is vital for any organisation which wishes to remain relevant in a Web 2.0 world. Dave will discuss how organisations can approach these new tools, and how such an approach should relate to existing strategies and communication plans.

Weighty stuff, I hope I don’t disappoint!

It all kicks off at 6pm at the BCS HQ on Southampton Street in London.

Hope to see some DavePress regulars there – and for those that won’t be, I hope there will be a twitter back channel to keep folk at home informed on just how badly I’m doing. How about #davebcs for a tag?

4 thoughts on “Dave @ BCS”

  1. Sounds like a good gig Dave. I'll try to participate on the back channel #davebcs so get 'em tweetin' I'm sure that – as ever – there will be lots of interesting info generated to give us armchair attendees something to think about..

  2. Anyone up for a pre-meeting meet-up? I could be there a bit before, but had already booked a train home for Thursday before seeing this event.

    Please can you either include a transcript on slideshare or post the slides somewhere that doesn’t require anti-social Adobe flash or registration?

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