Simon Wakeman: Local gov shoudn’t be on Facebook

Simon Wakeman has a thought-provoking post on whether Councils should maintain corporate presences in social networking sites like Facebook at all:

People using social networks befriend (or fan, whatever the appropriate phrase is) organisations, movements, clubs etc on Facebook and other social networks because they have an emotional bond of some description with that entity.

They might be fans in the muscial or film sense (eg by signing up to a band’s page), be replicating membership of an offline group (eg by signing up to a sports club’s page) or be part of a shared interest movement (eg by signing up to a campaign or political group’s page).

All of these conscious choices by individuals using social networks are done because they have some empathetic or emotional relationship with the entity to which the page belongs. They become a fan because they want to and because they care in some way.

How does this sit with a local council? In the real world I’m not convinced people have such a bond with their council as a corporate body – yes, they have that emotional or empathetic reaction about many of the services that their local council provides them, but not about the council as a whole. There’s no real world basis for the creation of an online community.

As Liz’s research shows, one can see where Simon is coming from. Councils, at the moment, are not fairing terribly well on social networks.

I’d agree, as I have noted before, that making people become friends or fans of public bodies probably isn’t going to work. I commented on Simon’s piece:

However, there is a convincing argument for me that public bodies should be providing information to people in a format and in a location that suits them. There are many people who wouldn’t ever dream of visiting a council website who none-the-less might find the information available there useful. The trick is to present that information where they are likely to find it.

I think I’ve identified a way in which local authority, indeed any government organisation, can approach Facebook presence in a way that won’t embarrass those that use it. More soon.

1 thought on “Simon Wakeman: Local gov shoudn’t be on Facebook”

  1. The key point for me was the same argument I blogged about a few weeks back (Shameless plug there noted) – it isn’t about using Web2.0, but about embracing it.

    A Council page with a feed may mean people can view “the same old *” on facebook, but actually whats important is that Council’s activiely use facebook to interact with their audience. Much as your blog around Boris using Twitter.

    I’ve seen a number of PR blogs in the past that slate “Chief Exec’s Blog” and I have the same issue – while a blog is ideally suited for a Chief Exec to communicate ideas and have them commented upon, a blog which doesn’t allow comments or where staff are too nervous to comment on is really nor more effective than sending out a memo by email every week.

    I think Council’s should be on facebook and I suppose having a page is better than nothing – but there’s a real danger that these pages will be seen as (and in some cases will be) tokenistic efforts that will undermine the whole concept of what they are trying to do.

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