People like video

In an article on the BBC Technology News page, I read about how the British web-going public are really getting into online video: British demand for online video sites has shot up over the past year, according to a new report. Written by research firm Hitwise it found that UK internet traffic to video websites … Keep reading

Bookmarks for March 15th through March 22nd

Stuff I have bookmarked for March 15th through March 22nd: Ben’s Experiments » James and the Giant Peach – The boy had to do an audio recording for his school project. I thought it was only fair to make it social… Pedalling some raw data… « – Data from the Dept for Transport is … Keep reading

Pukka: an answer to my prayers

I’m making quite a lot of use of the social bookmarking service Delicious at the moment. Luckily, it is mostly using my own account, but on one or two projects I am using specific accounts. This can be a pain in the neck. I’ve installed the Delicious extension for Firefox which makes bookmarking a dream … Keep reading