#lgworkforce – Buckinghamshire’s Organisation Redesign Programme

Gillian Hibberd, Corporate Director for People, Policy and Communications, talks through how their change process was planned and supported, and how staff were engaged.

  • OD is aligning structure to objectives – form following function. Many orgs struggle to easily define their purpose.
  • Structure alone does not guarantee success
  • Org design is not a perfect science
  • What are the issues?
    • business operating model – more outsourcing and commissioning. Councils become smaller with other partners delivering service
    • Reducing layers and numbers of managers
    • Spans of control
    • Synergies from merging teams and reducing m’ment team
  • Approaches to budget pressure – slash and burn, be reactive, or plan for change
  • Key requirement is a vision for the organisation
  • Bucks’ vision is ‘rising to the challenge’. 4 elements of lean organisation: elected members, knowing our customer, support services, different service delivery models.
  • Model based on locality areas – 19 geographic communities with community plans.
  • The core of the council is a very small, learn organisation
  • Design principles clarify the vision and translates into organisational changes
  • Bucks have 6 key principles in total
  • Redesign model – flexible, sustainable, cost savings, management and admin targets, blueprint driven
  • Director team and heads of service team reduced with a 25% cost reduction
  • Phases: design, high level org design, design phase, consultation, transition
  • Outcomes – £4.2m cashable savings so far. 183 posts cut. Few employee relations issues. Next phase of transformation about to start. Blueprint coming to life and a fit for purpose organisation.