Local by Social: Creating future services

Next up is Hugo Manassei from Participle.

  • Participle take on a new issue a year, so far: ageing, families and youth
  • People are skipping the “third age” – period when you have retired but are physically healthy and active. This is bad for individuals but also for the state
  • Invert Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  • Southwark Circle – membership org for anyone over age of 50 (tho younger people aren’t prevented from joining) in Southwark. Helpers (some volunteers, some professional) and members. Over 400 members from all parts of society.
  • People join because they have a practical task that needs to be completed, also for learning purpose.
  • Tech is a hyperlocal network managed by 3 people. Entirely virtual, no office or community centre.
  • Members in different periods of their life find value in Southwark Circle. People join wanting to receive help but end up becoming helpers themselves.
  • Cost is £10 a year to be a member. Token system to pay for help.
  • Works with various existing services and charities.
  • Cost savings in 5 years – £2.18m.
  • Suffolk Circle about to launch, then Hammersmith and Fulham
  • All about strengthening communities

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